December 3, 2007

great day.

**Chloe's First Bath**

**Cambelle lovin' on Chloe**

And the score is MOM 1, GIRLS 0. First day alone with the girls, and it was a great day. I say that now, after Chloe has been asleep all day, we'll see what happens tonight... And, not sure if I've said this enough, but Cambelle is my twin, we have a set routine in the morning and she never misses a step. So, today, after I cleaned her up after breakfast and changed her diaper, I let her run around naked and found her in the playroom on top of her wagon of blocks (last picture). She's funny sometimes, because she can be quiet. It takes a lot but when I don't hear her, I worry... 95% of the time she's doing things like this in her playroom - on top of things, playing with her puzzles, wearing her sunglasses, coloring everywhere, etc. She's actually saying "cheese" in that photo... I wonder if the blocks are even hurting her little tush, but she insists on climbing in when they are in there.
Also, for those who don't know Cambelle has a hemangioma on her left tush. So, when I saw Chloe for the first time, I was excited to notice that she doesn't have one on her face or anywhere on her body. Till today, after we got her weight checked (7 lbs. - gained 6 oz in 3 days) the doctor did the typical physical on her and noticed she has a birthmark on her spine, but slightly to the right. She went on and on about how this could be a severe problem since it's close to the spine. Something about her anatomy growing properly. Jeff wasn't with me, so I had to interpret what she said back to him and that's all I can remember. We have to go back next week for another weight check because she isn't back to her birth weight and then they'll schedule Chloe for an ultrasound to make sure everything is OK. I'm not too worried about it, it could be worse, and I'm sure it's nothing.
After our wonderful day, we decided to give Chloe a bath, because she was smelling funky and her umbilical cord fell off. YAY!

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