December 20, 2007

18 months old.

Cambelle is officially 18 months old today. Where has the time gone? It's scary how much time flies. I just can't believe that in 6 months, she'll be two. Six months seems long, but I know it'll be here before we know it. One of Cambelle's favorite things to do is play with all of my hair accessories, and I let her do it so I can get things done upstairs. And, since she was playing with all the rubber bands I decided to test one out on her mullet. Cambelle totally has a mullet, it's the only thing bad about having a girl. Because if their hair doesn't come in like Chewbacca and you cut it, she'll look like a boy. Which is Cambelle's case. It's growing like a weed in the back and nothing on top. So, I put a little ponytail in on the back and it made it look so much better. She screamed when I was doing it but after that she didn't even know she had one. All the ladies at the Acme were admiring her new do. She does look cute though.
I'll leave you with a couple of pictures of her hairdo and 18 things she LOVES:
1. Daddy
2. Blue's Clues
3. Being outside
4. Uncle Daa (Darryl)
5. Crackers
6. Climbing on our bed
7. Dancing
8. The phone
9. The Ball Popper
10. Chicken Fingers
11. Ice Cream
12. Taking a Bath
13. Dolce (Uncle Jon/Aunt Amy's Dog)
14. Joey (Grandpa and Nana's Dog)
15. Playing on the stairs
16. coloring
17. Saying NO!
18. I'll say me- hoping it's true

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