March 23, 2011

This is how we roll...

So, this is how I get ready in the morning! Since the time change, Kenna has been sleeping in longer but on most days she wakes me up before my 6:30am alarm goes off. Which makes it for a longer-than-it-should-be-getting-ready-process.  It depends on the day... some days she'll sit in her seat and watch me and other days she needs to be on top of me. This morning was one of those days... 

As you can see:
She isn't fully wearing her PJ's - I had to changer her immediately because she had a bad stinker. And, I was too lazy to zipper that darn thing back up - plus, I had to change her into her normal clothes. So, wearing half her PJ's was the way to go. 

And, I had NO idea she was sucking on Jeff's toothbrush till I posted the picture above... I threw up in my mouth a little and then I realized we're family and he's not sick, and there's nothing to worry about... right? 

So, there you have it... this is how I get ready in the morning... and right after this I haul hiney and get the other two up (if it's a school day) and then it's mayhem till we leave. 

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