December 19, 2010

Our Christmas Tree.

I love going Christmas tree hunting and we look forward to it every year... It's weird to think that this time last year I was only like 8 weeks pregnant and now Kenna is 5 1/2 months old. I was a little disappointed Kenna slept through the whole thing, I think going out for breakfast really wore her out. But, I'm sure she enjoyed her little snooze rather than being bored by our tree adventure.

We found a tree (an 8 footer) pretty quickly and then we let the girls just roam the farm. 

The girls found a lot of pine cones that are now in our house in a basket...

Chloe's typical "smiling" face! I can ask 1,000 times to smile and she'll give me this face...

But, then I bribe her and get one good one.

Kenna was still asleep and stayed asleep all the way home. 

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