December 8, 2010

5 months old.

Kenna turned 5 months old on Friday and (I know I say this every month) but that was the quickest month of my life. Seriously, how does 30 days go by so fast? I try really hard to slow down the days... I have to say, that I'm a little excited about the next stage of baby-hood. I love the feeding stage, the sitting up stage, crawling stage, more babbling stage and becoming more like a little child then a baby... but I'll be missing the baby stage. 

Kenna wasn't feeling so hot when I took these pictures but I was already a few days behind so I had to sit her down and snap away.... she was fine with it but didn't show any love by smiling. 

Almost there... she sits up but then falls right over...

Like this picture...

We introduced rice cereal and, like Cambelle and Chloe, she didn't like it very much... even when I give it to her now, she still acts like I'm feeding her poo or something.

Kenna is sick right now with a bad cold and a fungus in her eye but she is still a happy baby.
She loves her exersaucer and swing.
She's the easiest baby to put to sleep - (I feed her and put her right down and she'll fall asleep on her own listening to her music attached to her crib).
I'm still nursing her but not as much anymore.. I don't know what really happened. We started with a bottle at night and then one during the day, and my milk production when drastically down. I still have enough for one feeding during the day and one at night. 
She hates when I put a hat on her and very much dislikes her boogies to be sucked out of her nose, but I guess I would to... 

Even though these last five months have flown by and I feel like it was just yesterday I gave birth to her... my love for her has grown immensely. And, to be a mom of three little girls is the best gift God has given me!!

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