November 30, 2010

all in one...

We've been pretty busy here and I haven't had the time to blog due to:
*Lack of sleep
*Cambelle and Chloe no longer take naps and hardly ever rest or have quiet time.. they are on the go ALL.DAY.LONG
*Kenna's naps a lot but not that long... so the minute I sit down at the computer, she's up. She usually takes 3-4 45 minute naps. 

And, when I am on the computer I'm online shopping... 

I didn't go out early on Black Friday because of three things:
1. I HAVE A NEWBORN who sleeps well at night but I need to be functioning the next day for three little girls and I couldn't imagine getting up with Kenna in the middle of the night and then getting up at 6am with her and Cambelle and Chloe shortly to follow... yes, I have a husband but a Mommy's job is never done and well, I don't have time to sleep the day away anyway.
2. The girls aren't really into the "hot toys" this year so I couldn't see why I would go out with no plan or hot toy to fight off other mommy's for. 
3. I did it all online..I found everything plus more online with many, many coupons and I was happy with the bargains I found... Also, I went out two times before BF to Toys R Us and the things I had in mind for the girls were already marked down so I felt like I got the best deal.
(Can you tell that my OCD is in over drive and I need to list everything?)

So going back to why I haven't blogged lately... 
(Just this post alone - I have stopped 7 times to do something else and I started it 1 hour and 32 minutes ago... )

Let's just move on to what's been going on with us...

Cambelle ended her soccer season two Sundays ago and she received a trophy with her name on. She was ecstatic about it and brings it everywhere she goes. Jeff and I also ended our soccer season that same weekend. We were in the Championship but lost in PK's to Joy Church... it was a great season but I'm still in pain from, I think, a cracked rib... this guy and I went up for the ball and we hit pretty hard... I still can't laugh hard, cough, sneeze, lift weights or move quickly or the pain starts all over again.. I know I should go to the doctors but I'd have to find time for that and then an xray....

Chloe had her last music class a couple of weeks ago but we'll be starting up again in January... here's a clip from her last class... I had her hair in a clip that got lost somewhere between banging on drums to twirling ribbon.... which then leads me to....

Cutting her hair off.... so now it will look decent without a clip... because Chloe is known for throwing them across the room and then they disappear to nowhere land.

We are fully decorated for Christmas! Even my cards are ready to be stamped and sent out!

Thanksgiving was quiet and relaxing. We just went to my parents house for dinner and ate a yummy meal... I totally forgot to bring out my camera till we were about to sing Happy Birthday to Chloe and then I snapped this horrific pic of Jeff, Kenna and I... Jeff looks sleepy... I think he ate too much turkey.

Kenna's new favorite thing... she loves to grab our faces! I remember Cambelle and Chloe doing the same thing and I loved it. Kenna's growing like a weed... but I won't go into detail till December 2nd, when she's 5 MONTHS OLD!!!


  1. I don't know why, but the part about Jeff looking sleepy bc he ate too much turkey made me laugh out loud.
    And please call the doctor.
