Kenna was four months old yesterday!!! Time is flying by too fast and I don't like it.
Kenna loves her sisters... she lights up when they give her attention.
She smiles at anything... look her way and she'll start cooing.
I've introduced her to formula and she takes it great. I give her one bottle during the day and one right before bedtime.
She sleeps from 7:30/8PM to 3 am and then goes back to bed till 7 am.
She loves when I sing to her and her favorite song is Moon, Moon, Moon just like her big sisters.
It's been interesting changing her diaper... she likes to grab her feet and try to roll over at the same time so I have to hold her down a lot.
She's starting to "plump" up - her legs are getting chunkier and her cheeks are filling out.
She still has blue eyes and blonde hair.
She loves to sit in her Bumbo chair.
I still think she's teething.. her hands are always in her mouth and drool is everywhere. A tooth better show up soon.
And we are all in love with her. Deeply in love. I can't get enough!
So cute! Where do you find those onesies? Or do you make them? That's a cute idea, I've never seen those before.