August 10, 2010

Nothing New.

Nothing is new around here except that I started to potty train Chloe last Monday because I'm sick in the head and why not add another stressor to our already chaotic house, right? Actually, she's doing great. We had a couple of days where she thought going on the kitchen floor was cooler then going in the potty, but now we are on day 8 and she hasn't had an accident in three days. I'm really excited to have two little girls in panties. 

The girls have been fighting a lot lately and their new "fight" is over Jessie from Toy Story... so to keep me from not going insane I went ahead and bought Chloe her own Jessie doll. I know the fighting won't stop, but it has helped a little. They literally fought over Jessie for three days! It was craziness around here. 

Last week we went to OC with The Reif's and had a blast. Cambelle is now into the rides that are for bigger kids and loves the rollercoaster.... 

And, Jeff wanted to take her on this flying ride that really freaked me out but she loved it. She was tall enough and I still couldn't believe it... can you see how Jeff is holding onto her arm? I thought she was going to slide right through. 

Ben and Cambelle... I don't think I'll ever get Cambelle to smile :)

Cambelle's been working on her photography skills and snapping pics of me, Chloe and Kenna. 

Miss Kenna is continuing to grow like a weed. She's still a peanut but I can tell how much she is growing daily. 

And, I'll leave you with these pics of Cambelle... she's totally loving the camera lately and loves to "pose" for me. 

1 comment:

  1. Kenna almost looks like she's smiling in that one picture. She looks so pleasant :). Holla Jessie.
