It happens a lot... just today at Dunkin Donuts the nice lady in the drive thru asked if I was having a boy and I nicely said "no, another girl".... is there a rule somewhere that says that since I have two of one gender I SHOULD be having a boy??? I mean really?
And, it really hit me hard last night when my own doctor, not the doctor I always see, asked me if I knew what I was having and I replied (nicely again), "girl, why?" Which shouldn't they have that in my file? Anyways, she said the BP was 130 and she thought maybe BOY! I told her the u/s technician saw three lines and verified multiple times to me that it was in fact a girl.
That's just two stories I have to share, there are many more where people think BOY!
So, I'm on the edge of my seat here and freaking out.... Let's hope Kenna comes out a girl, if not I guess I could name him Kenny... um, I think not! this is weird. There is probably nothing to it, eh, right? With strangers, it's the way you're carrying...the old wives tale thing about carrying in front, which is totally not true because I've had both genders and carried exactly the same. I got boy constantly with the girls too. But, the doctor?! WTH? Hopefully this doesn't freak you out more (but knowing you it probably will and knowing me, I'm going to tell you anyway) friend Matt, he and his wife were told girl on TWO ultrasounds and it was boy! Yep, surprise upon delivery! They had a purple and pink room and all. And to add to your freak-out, higher glucose levels have been associated with boys...could be why you failed your first test? On the heartrate thing...hmmmm, girl should be 140 and above so 130 doesn't quite make it but hey, maybe that just means you are having a VERY CALM girl!