April 12, 2010

I am not a procrastinator... anyone who knows me, knows, I hate to do things last minute... so I have no idea why, I'm procrastinating on painting the baby's room. I have no excuses... but today, well, today, was the day, that I told myself that I was going to get going on the baby's room. So, once the girls were down for their naps, I started prepping the room and the next thing I knew, I was 75% done with trimming out everything. It took me an hour, with some snack and drink breaks, oh and I checked my email once or twice, talked to a friend on the phone and did a load of laundry. So, I'm happy with my progress....

The girls are taking long naps today and I can't complain... so you'd think I'd just finish the trim and be done... Nope, I had to stop at 3PM, so I can watch the Phillies... see, I have my priorities straight, and well, life sometimes stops when the Phils are playing...

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