March 17, 2010

Spring is in the air.

So far the weather, today, has been beautiful... so I wanted to take advantage of it and maybe tire out the girls before nap.

So, we took a walk (well, I ran after them, because that darn Barbie car is FAST)!

Then, we hit up Lowes for flowers. The girls were so excited to pick some out. Chloe picked out these hanging ones and Cambelle picked out white ones for my pots out front.

These wreaths just make me so happy. Welcome Spring!

And, a what would a day be without drawing with chalk on the driveway...

wearing Crocs....

a nice pair of sunglasses (Cambelle took this pic - I was just holding the camera)

and iced coffee (it's decaf, people... my girls don't need any more caffeine then they already get ;)

And, a good belly pic (23 weeks and 5 days) - courtesy of Cambelle, again-


  1. Such a cute belly pic! Oh, and where did you get that wreath? I'm in desperate need of a new one!

  2. Thanks Jenni. Actually, my mom bought me two of those wreaths at Home Goods. They have the best wreaths... tons of different kinds. I don't remember the price, but she said they were cheap, like $12.99 each.
