February 7, 2010

More SNOW!

I have to say I was kinda excited about more snow coming. The feeling of being "stuck"inside with the family and cozying up next to the fire with hot chocolate was what I call a relaxing weekend. For once, I didn't have a To- Do list and we just played with the girls and enjoyed each others company.

Once the snow stopped we all went outside to help Jeff shovel. Cambelle went outside with Jeff earlier in the day, while it was blizzard conditions, and lasted about 10 minutes. But, once the snow stopped it was really nice out... no wind, no snow in our faces, it was very peaceful. The entire neighborhood was out shoveling and I even got into the action and helped a little.

The girls had a blast... I was amazed at how much Cambelle loved playing in the snow. I think it was the awesome Columbia gloves Santa bought her that made a difference. When we had a lot of snow before Christmas she was wearing those awful gloves that don't stay on... well, Santa got smart and bought her new ones that now work so much better... and now, she loves to play in the snow.

Chloe tried to play in the snow but had a hard time getting up... I think I bundled her up too much. So, she just stayed with me and watched from a far.

The weathermen are predicting another storm on Wednesday... I think I've had enough, and now that I've had my snow-fix, I'm really ready for spring. Jeff and did get something done during our time inside - we booked a vacation to SC in April - I think we are ready for some really good sun.

1 comment:

  1. after a week off school and no school again today, i am kinda over the whole snow thing! we are supposed to get more tomorrow and wednesday morning! i am running out of the things to do with the kids:o)
