January 27, 2010

16 weeks.

I don't have a picture of my belly at 16 weeks, because well, I'm a big slacker these days... with every waking minute I'm trying to tackle the laundry... the laundry is totally winning our fight and I think it's teamed up with my camera. Plus, we are in the midst of changing Cambelle's toddler bed into a queen bed, and my OCD is taking over my entire body. I don't know if it's the weather that's making me feel like I need to get stuff done or maybe I'm in the early stages of "nesting." But, I look around the house and start new projects and obsess over them till I am finished. I'm determined to get many things done before spring hits because all of our time will be either outside doing work or the working on the baby's room.

And with any other waking minute, I'm trashing my brain with The Real Housewives of Orange County, 24, Grey's, Private Practice, American Idol and many other shows that I have to DVR because honestly, Hoarders and House Hunters is on my top list of things to watch. I think the little red light is ALWAYS on our cable box... I think we have a problem.

Oh and on top of ALL that, my goal is to upload every single picture from 2009 onto Shutterfly and print them, and I'm only on August 2009... so I sit here at night watching every.single.picture.download so I don't miss any. And, I'm scared to browse over to another website just in case Mr. Shutterfly decided not to like me and team up with Mr. Laundry and Ms. Camera.

Sorry for the randomness...

But, here are some facts about my 16th week.

Picture taken: Slacker = no picture.

How I'm feeling: Great but tired. I've been getting headaches every single afternoon at 1PM on the dot. I'm not sure if it's mental but I've gone about 4 weeks straight with headaches... nothing a little 30 minute nap can't handle.

Cravings: CEREAL!

Sleeping: Like a baby ;)

Weight gain: I will find out next Wednesday, but I bet the Reeses PB Cup with Vienna Mocha Chunk sundae that I just ate from Friendly's didn't help.

Next appointment: Wednesday, February 3rd.

Movement: I think I felt a flutter today... I'm waiting for more.

1 comment:

  1. Danielle,
    Congratulations on your and Jeff's help on extending the Botbyl line. Time for a boy? I would like to tie Jeff, Jon & Jennifer into the Botbyl genealogy file but need more information. I am in the process of updating my web site ( www.FamilyOnThe.Net ) Please contact me. dbotbyl(a)familyonthe.net
