December 23, 2009

Christmas Update.

Well, I think I'm done. No, actually I am done. I just wrapped the last gift and I feel so relieved. A weight has been lifted off my shoulders and we are ready to celebrate. I do wish weight was lifted somewhere else off my body... maybe Santa can do that for me.

Cambelle is beyond excited about Santa coming that she had a really hard time sleeping last night. She thought he came last night and wanted Christmas to be this morning. But, now she knows he's coming in two days so I'm hoping for a better nights sleep tonight. Plus, Santa wasn't ready till this afternoon... Santa had a headache last night and was feeling like crap!

We're having Christmas Eve dinner and Christmas morning breakfast here at our house. So, I did all the food shopping for that two nights ago and we are ready to bake and cook tomorrow morning - along with baking cookies for Santa, which I hope I don't forget.

We are taking Cambelle to Disney on Ice in Philly tonight and I'm feeling a bit guilty about not taking Chloe, but I really don't think she'd sit for longer then 3 minutes. What made it worse is that she saw the commercial for it and pointed and said "Mickey!" My heart broke and I wanted to cry... I'm the worst Mommy!

Well, stay tuned! I'm hoping to upload some pictures tonight.

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