October 13, 2009

There are no boundaries when it comes to Chloe.

Chloe definitely keeps me on my toes. She's a little bugger... she gets into everything. I can't turn my back on her for a second or she'll tear the house upside down.

Yesterday, I ran to the bathroom and found her in the kitchen cabinets. This is a new hiding spot for both girls, but just recently it's been Chloe's "new spot."

And, today, after we dropped Cambelle off at school, we came home and Chloe wanted a snack. She chose Jello... I sat her up at the stool at the island with a spoon, turned my back to put some music on, turned back around and this is what I saw. Honestly, it probably was 45 seconds... it truly is a talent to destroy Jello like that it a short amount of time.

PS - Red Jello stains hands, floors, stools, and countertops!!!!

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