August 3, 2009

what's been going on with us?

Ya, know our family is so interesting to you all that I had to blog about what we've been up to... What have we've been doing these last few days, you may ask? Well, nothing too hot...

Friday, I went to my aunt's funeral and Michelle was nice enough to watch the girls for us. This is the gang hanging out right before we left. It definitely put a smile on my face and made my heart happy. It's nice to have great friends who will do anything for you in a time of need! Thanks Michelle for watching the girls (and to Nicole who came over with Maddie and Emma). So there were a total of 8 girls in the house at once.

Jessie (Michelle's niece) Gia, Chloe, Kaylee, Cambelle, and Mackie)

Then, there's the usual Target run... Cambelle was undercover in her cool shades.

Church has been difficult for the girls lately. They've been protesting the kid's program and giving us a hard fight. Chloe's been the easier of the two and calming down after a few minutes, but Cambelle's been very verbal in telling me she wants to sit with me. So, she's been my partner in church. It's a great teaching opportunity - teaching her about communion, worship. etc.
And, I can't forget the storms. The storms have been horrific lately. I'm not a fan of lightning and thunder even during the day.... I'll never get used to them. One storm even kept me away from Kohls, we went to pull into their parking lot and the lights were out... I was devastated... I mean, don't they have generators?

But, they make for a great sunset... There's always calm after the storm.

And, tonight was Jeff's last softball game. They made it to the finals and lost... it was probably the longest softball season of my life. But, the girls had fun playing with their friends and getting really dirty...

Marin, Cambelle, Sadie, and Halle!
(Marin is smiling, because that's what she should be doing, Cambelle is getting hit by Sadie throwing grass at her and Halle is screaming about something ;)

Now, our lives are kinda back to normal... no more three softball games a week... I guess I'll have to start making dinner again!

1 comment:

  1. You always have such great pictures on your blog Danielle!
