August 24, 2009

first trip to the ER!

Our day started off normal, breakfast, clean up, play, brush teeth, get dressed, makes beds, etc. So once we had all of our morning duties done, off to the park we went to enjoy the wonderful weather. I've been feeling guilty lately not taking the girls to the park or playing outside because it's been too hot and I melt in the heat. So, I thought today would be a great day to stretch the legs and release some energy.

When we got to the park there was only one old man and his grandson. The grandfather was nice enough to take a picture of the three of us and he chatted my ear off. He was super nice and showed a lot of interest to the girls.

While the girls were swinging on the swings, Nicole, Emma, and Maddie showed up. I had bought Nicole an iced coffee that I kept in the car because I couldn't carry everything and push the stroller the same time. So, I took the girls out of the swings so they could start to play with Emma and I wanted to give Nicole my car keys! That's when I heard Cambelle screaming. I ran over to her and there was blood everywhere. She was going up the steps to the slide and must have slipped and hit her chin on one of the steps. I immediately knew she needed to see a doctor. So, I called Jeff and ran to the car to get tissues - Nicole was back at the playground now and watching Chloe for me. I then wiped away as much blood as I could and saw that it was a pretty huge gash. I was trying to keep Cambelle calm but then not trying to overreact but also trying to make a wise decision. (Side note - we were at the park for a total of 8 minutes.)

I made the decision to take her to the ER! I picked Cambelle up, went back to the playground, let Nicole see the gash and then packed up the girls and called Jeff back and told him to meet us at the hospital. During all of this Cambelle was crying, but not too hysterical. She kept saying she wanted to go home. All the way to the hospital her cut was gushing blood so I was trying to keep her calm, because she could feel it on her chest.

We entered the ER, signed Cambelle in, and went right back to "Express Care." We waited a total of 2 hours, but it really felt like an hour. Everyone was extremely nice to the girls giving them stickers and little toys... but trying to keep Chloe in a waiting room was difficult.

So, I took her out to the main lobby to play with some toys while Jeff and Cambelle waited to be seen.

Holla, Ronnie!
Chloe was very scared of Ronnie - that's what we call him around here - she wouldn't even go near him and cried when I did.

Once we were seen, one of the nurses cleaned Cambelle all up so she could really see the gash. She mentioned stitches right away... I was expecting that but knew they could use Dermabond too. The physician came in and said that the gash was pretty deep and thought she would have to stitch it up but wants a second opinion. So another doctor came in, looked at it and said that his daughter had a deeper wound and Dermabond worked perfectly... so Dermabond it was.

Dermabond looks like a huge glue stick, with a spongy tip. It was purple so we told her the doctor was coloring her boo boo with a purple marker. She totally bought it and sat there quietly till she was done. Now, she thinks her boo boo is purple.

And, Chloe, well, she had a lollipop so she was fine. Both girls did great and Cambelle was very brave and we are so proud of her.

Since we were at the ER from 11-1, the girls were starving, so I took them to McDonalds and Cambelle told me that her boo boo is all better since eating french fries. One the way home from McDonalds, Cambelle was telling Chloe that next time she goes to the park she's going to wear her sneakers rather then her flip flops (that was our morning battle - she won and see what happens) and her boo boo is all fixed from the nice lady with the purple marker...

Cambelle seems fine now, we even went back to the park after dinner and had some ice cream. She showed Jeff where she got her boo boo and then went off to play... It was a good ending to a rough start.


  1. The way she handled the whole thing shows you how much she is growing and maturing!

  2. awwww, poor cambelle:o( thank goodness for dermabond! several of my friends kids have needed a patch job here lately and that stuff seems to work wonders! tell cambelle we hope she is feeling better!
