August 18, 2009


I'm telling ya, I'm having some difficulties trying to keep the girls entertained with this heat wave going on. Seriously, ever since I had Cambelle I'm awful in the heat... I can't tolerate it. Don't get me wrong, I'd prefer this weather over a February winter blizzard any day. But, come on, it's stinkin' hot out.

So, everyday we are out and about... and I mean e.v.e.r.y.d.a.y!

So, we do things like going to Friendly's and ordering ice cream, of course. I think Chloe's happy to be at Friendly's too!

And, our usual, Target run.... today, Cambelle snuck a Starbucks drink. One of those free sample kind... the ones that are on the tables that are level to kid eyes - I'm telling myself it was a banana/strawberry smoothy, but I know it was probably a Frappaccino because well, she told me... "Mommy, I'm drinking coffee, it's so good." I guess it was coffee because she finally pooped today. Twice in two hours.... yes, she's constipated and that's for another post. So, YAY for fraps!

(Isn't the little cup cute? She was saying Starbucks when I was taking the picture - saying cheese is so last year.)

Since the girls and I won't go outside we cheer Jeff on from inside the air conditioning... Go Daddy, Go! Cut that grass low... I know we are corny, but the heats really getting to my brain molecules and I'm losing my mind trying to keep two little girls entertained at all hours of the day!

I hope you are enjoying the heat as much as we are ;)

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