May 11, 2009


Saturday we celebrated Mother's Day with my mom. The weather was perfect and it was nice to sit outside and enjoy each other's company. Side note - we couldn't gather around our patio set table because I shattered it (pics to come soon). Awesome isn't it? I was trying to be helpful, but instead shattered the entire table. 

A beautiful ending to a beautiful day!

1 comment:

  1. Feelin' your pain. We had a glass top table too. When Brent was away last year, shortly after we got it, a bird landed on the umbrella, umbrella snapped, table toppled over, glass shattered. It was a fun 2hr ordeal to clean up off the pavers! Then, recently Brent brought the table and chairs out from the shed to stage the patio for the sale of our home. I told him he'd better wait because we were expecting pretty bad winds that night. Did he listen? Nope! Woke up to another shattered table. Needless to say, we opted not to by another table with a glass top but bought a totally rod-iron one that matches our existing chairs pretty well.
