May 11, 2009

Holla to Mother's Day!

Mother's Day was awesome. Jeff was off from church so he was home in the morning to help me get the girls ready. Unfortunately I was scheduled in BabyZone but having the extra hands on a rushed morning was helpful. For some reason, it takes us forever to get ready for church. 

I love Cambelle's face in the above picture. She's so funny.
Don't be jealous of my awesome white chunky leg. I didn't know what to do with them... so I crossed them... bad idea.

My girls.

Chloe fell on the pavement and this was the result. 

After church, my mom came over and watched the girls while Jeff and I went to Don Pablo's with Matt and Michelle. All I wanted for Mother's Day was a margarita and chips and salsa. I know, how low maintenance. I guess it's the weather that got me in the mood for a good drink and chips. Honestly, though we are getting a patio built in the backyard so that'll count as my gift. I'm looking forward to cooking out and smores on our fire pit.

After lunch we went to the mall for some shopping. I got a new dress and a handbag. How could the day get any better? It was a relaxing day spent with the ones I love. Thank you Jeff for an incredible day & thank you Mom, for watching the girls. I love you! 

I hope you had a great Mother's Day too!

1 comment:

  1. My Mother's day was great too. Thanks for having dinner for me. Love, MUM
