April 29, 2009

softball season started.

Last night Cambelle and I went to Jeff's softball game. The game was at 8PM, but my mom offered to stay with Chloe and put her down for bed. Thank you, Mom! I was ecstatic about being out with Cambelle and enjoying the night. It was perfect weather and I loved sitting and talking to Cambelle about what was going on with the game. Her new thing to ask us is, "What are you talking about?" Jeff and I could be in mid-conversation and she'll pop in and ask us that till we tell her and then she'll say, "OH!" and run off. But, last night it was great quality time with just Cambelle. And, to make the night even better, we ran over to Dunkin Donuts for some munchkins in a bag** and my usual - medium iced decaf caramel coffee with extra cream and 4 Equal. It was out of this world and I drank the entire thing before we got to the field, which was a 2 minute care ride. I'm hoping to do this more often but most of Jeff's games are at 6:30, so I'll stretch bedtime in order to watch Jeff play. 

 **Yes, I always ask for 5 munchkins in a bag and they'll give them to me. It varies at location on how much they'll charge me. If it's at the end of the night, they'll give them to me for free or if they recognize me. But, overall I've never had anyone charge me more then 1 or 2 bucks. Cambelle does a lot better with Munchkins rather then a whole donut, plus they're easier for Chloe to eat too!

1 comment:

  1. i can't believe you can drink 4 equal in a coffee!!! that is insane sweet, my friend! that's worse than those "cappacinoes" we used to get from the shell station across from CSU;o)
