March 9, 2009

whoa jeff!

Every time we are on our way back from my parents, Jeff always forgets there's this huge bump in the road and I swear our van gets some air... I always make some sort of comment for him to slow down b/c everything in the car, including the girls, gets thrown about!

So, tonight we approached the bump, hit the bump, and landed the bump and what do ya know, before I could scold Jeff to hit the break, Cambelle yelled out, "Whoa, Jeff!" I kid you not... she said it loud and clear. Jeff and I were hysterical. She quickly caught on and kept saying it over and over again. Then, Jeff asked Cambelle what my first name was, and she replied, "Danielle!" Seriously, I have no idea how she knew that... Jeff never calls me Danielle, usually "hun." Plus, to all the kids in our family, they call me Aunt D or Auntie D! So, we were floored when she piped in and kept saying Jeff and Danielle all over again. Jeff took this awesome opportunity to tell her that if she ever got lost and a cop asked her what her parents' names are, she has to say, Jeff and Danielle. I laughed so hard I had another asthma attack! But, it was worth it. 


  1. Em calls me Tina sometimes, just out of the blue. It sounds so weird. Lately, Connor has been saying "Yes my Queen" when I ask him to do something...that I kind of like.

  2. That is pretty funny!

    I remember when Jared was 2 or 3, he looked at Renee and I one day and said, "Your name is Honey and your name is Brad!"

    And Halle now often calls me "Father" (although it really sounds more like "fodder"), because that's what some of the Disney princesses say. :-)
