January 14, 2009

Wacky girls.

The girls were in a wacky mood today, I guess they are sensing that Jeff is coming home. Jeff has been gone since Sunday. He's with five of his friends skiing in Vermont. So, we are eagerly waiting the arrive of him coming home. 

Our day started out with Chloe doing some bird watching. I could not pry her away from my parents sunroom window so she could eat her breakfast. My parents have two bird feeders outback that are kind of hidden in the trees. And, it's a wonderful sight with all the cardinals and blue jays around. Sometimes, Mr. Woodpecker will make an appearance too. 

After bird watching, Chloe likes to steal bananas from the basket I have them in. I know they are reachable to her, but it's a good way of her telling me she'd like one. Which happens about two/three times a day. She absolutely loves bananas. 

(My parents kitchen is getting a total makeover, that's why the hardwood floor is pulled up and a random towel in a random hole. Yes, Chloe fell into the hole so we had to fill it. It was from another addition my parents did.)

And, then Cambelle is in love with sitting at the island my dad built (not done yet). She's stuffing her Darby Pezz with cherry refills. 

Chloe isn't done yet... after stealing bananas she walked around the house with the Santa Pezz in her mouth.... then....

Pretending to go to Home Depot with her hard hat...

And, then what was I thinking? My parents have two huge baskets that we put some small toys in to occupy the girls upstairs instead of always going downstairs in the playroom. It's easier this way since Chloe can't go down the stairs without help and I need to get stuff done upstairs. 
So, I took all the toys out of the baskets to throw away any toys that are broken or store ones that are not age appropriate. Seriously, these baskets are like Mary Poppin's bag... they are never-ending and things get lost in them. I found every McDonald's Happy Meal toy they had in the last 6 months, that I had to throw away, because the girls don't even play with them, especially if I forget to ask for a 3 and younger toy... some of them are not age appropriate, if ya know what I mean! It was very close to naptime, hence Cambelle's awesome onesie and hair... so once I put them in, I had no energy to clean it all up. What was I thinking? But, I did, and now I feel better that I got rid of some stuff. 

Phew! It's only Wednesday, but we're ready for the weekend... 

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