December 22, 2008

Who is Chloe?

Chloe is a funny baby. She has already shown us her temper by throwing her body on the ground, belly touching the floor and wailing her feet. She'll be half crying, half laughing, but will do this till we give her attention. She's communicating to us very well with non-verbal cues. She shows us what she wants by pointing and moaning... or making a funny sound. She does many things I ask her to do - get a diaper, get her sippy cup, sit in her chair, let's go upstairs, etc. 

Her personality is one of a kind. One minute she's happy, the next she's antsy, and is up and moving, finding new things to get into. She smiles at everything and everyone. Loves to be tickled and made funny faces to. Chloe is easy going and full of life. 

She still hates to be changed and runs the other way when I have clothes in my hand. But will sit still if I have Praise Baby on. Cambelle and Chloe's relationship has blossomed. They wrestle together, play together and Cambelle is definitely the best big sister. Always looking out for her and making sure Chloe's OK at every minute of the day!

Chloe has decided that she will no longer take naps in the morning, but her nap in the afternoon (like today) was close to 4 hours. WOW! I know!

Well, that's all the update on Chloe... more to come soon!

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