December 17, 2008

today's one liner.

When Cambelle woke up from her nap at 4:15pm it was (and always is) dark out. It takes Cambelle a couple of minutes to fully wake up. Knowing this I picked her up, took her into my room, and laid her on my bed. I wanted to get dressed for the gym before it got too hectic with dinner and stuff. While Cambelle laid on my bed like a dead stick, I walked over to the light and turned it on... without hesitation Cambelle, yelled "the SUN, the SUN - in my eyes!" I reassured her it wasn't the sun it was the light and then she yelled again, "the LIGHT, the LIGHT - in my eyes gain (again)... 

The things she says are too funny, but then again, she's my child, so everything she does it funny!

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