December 10, 2008

One Year Checkup.

Yesterday was Chloe's ONE year checkup. Yes, I know she turned 1 on November 25th, and I did call the end of October for her appointment, but this was the earliest they could get us in... our pediatrician is very popular ;)

Her appointment came a great time b/c Chloe has a cold... I diagnosed her myself. She has boogs everywhere, really congested and a slight cough, so I already had in mind to talk more about her cold then her milestones. Is that sad? I guess since I know what she should be doing, and is doing more then Cambelle was at this age, I wasn't into talking about her milestones. I was more nervous about her being sick and to see if it was just was a cold. 

Let me back up for a sec, to explain my psycho-ness on why I'm more concerned about Chloe being sick rather then her milestones... Last Thursday we had a play date with my cousin and her children. Everyone seemed healthy then, but things went downhill fast. Tina had to take Connor to the ER on Sunday and after sitting in the ER for 7 hours his diagnosis was Pneumonia. Plus, her two little girls and I have colds now too. So, I wanted our doctor to check Chloe out for anything... Chloe's lungs and ears were clear. She had the obvious - a standard cold. 

But, this morning is when I got a little nervous again. She woke up crying with a fever. It was a weird cry, very dry, wet, raspy - if that makes sense... almost like an old lady coughing. But, after about an hour of walking around, eating, drinking, it seems liked the mucus worked it's way out. 

I'm keeping an eye on her and I'll take her back to the pediatricians if her fever consists.

Which brings me to her stats... honestly, totally, didn't listen. I know she weighs 20.8 lbs. She grew 2 inches and is in the 25 percentile. And, I forgot to bring her book that the nurse fills out for me, so I'll have to wait till she's 15 months to get her official stats. Oh well, I have a cold too, so that's my excuse.

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