December 14, 2008

Oh Christmas Tree

Bright and early Saturday morning we all went to pick out our Christmas tree. We went with my parents to breakfast then headed over to where my parents always get their tree. With not having a house yet, it was a little sad picking out a tree, but we still had a lot of fun. 

It was nice and cold, but very sunny, which helped... but after just a couple of minutes the girls were frozen and Cambelle was complaining of cold hands

She had gloves on, but her hands are so tiny that they fell right off. 

We had such a relaxing Saturday, something that we all needed. Once we got home Jeff helped my dad put up the tree, we played, had lunch and then it was nap time. My mom and I went Christmas dress shopping for the girls and some other random errands. While we were gone my dad put the lights up and built a fire.

We had an earlier dinner and then off to decorate. Earlier in the day I bought my dad candy canes for our tree, but as you can see Cambelle enjoyed them much more then he did. 

I wish we would not have packed all our tree ornaments and even our stockings (we have to go buy replacements for this year) b/c when my mom was decorating the tree I was remembering all the wonderful ornaments we have. But when we were packing back in March/April, Christmas was very, very far from my mind. But I do miss our stockings, they were all new from Pottery Barn. And, Jeff always buys me a new ornament each year starting from when we were dating... 

Now, both of them enjoying the candy canes. Cambelle did a great job helping Jeff put the heavy ornaments up high. And Chloe ran around the house, opening and closing the french doors to the room. 

The tree is finished, but I have yet to take a recent picture of it... will do soon. For right now, I'm enjoying the smell of the tree...

1 comment:

  1. merry christmas botbyl family!! it has been so fun catching up on your blogs! email me your address, so i can send you a new year's card!
