November 29, 2008

Chloe's One.

Chloe turned ONE on Tuesday, November 25th!

Still cooking!

Day One.

One Month.

Two Months. Christmas 2007.

Three Months. 

Four Months. 

Five Months.

Six Months. 

Seven Months

Eight Months.

Nine Months.

Ten Months.

Eleven Months.

Happy Birthday Chloe. 

I would do Chloe's birth over and over again... I know sick. But, compared to Cambelle, Chloe's birth was a breeze. 

On Saturday, November 24th 2007, we went to our good friends, Courtney and Tom's wedding. I ate tons of food, didn't dance, but was happy to eat all the shrimp I could and drink Shirley Temple's like they were going out of style. And even on our way home we stopped at WAWA and I ate a Tastycake and a decaf coffee. What was I thinking? Now I know why I can't seem to lose those extra pounds. We went home, put Cambelle to bed and we started watching the USC football game that we TiVo'd. Half way through the game I wasn't feeling well, so I went up to bed (this is all around 9:30). I laid in bed for a while, not feeling so great, but thinking it was just all the stuff I ate. This whole time I didn't think I was in labor, I honestly thought I had a belly ache and it would go away. 
I ended up getting out of bed to get Jeff, so he could lay with me, but when I did, I felt intense pressure and sharp pains. I actually called him from the home phone on his cell to tell him to come upstairs. After talking about - could it be labor, is it just gas? timing the pains - we called the doctor, but the "contractions/pains" were getting worse so we called my cousin, Tina, who lives very close, and she came over (to stay with Cambelle) and we went to the hospital - 11:30PM. The ride to the hospital was smooth and about 25 minutes. I had contractions about every 3-4 minutes... so I knew it would be awhile before I was in active labor. I was able to walk into the ER, but once I started filling out the paper work, the contractions were getting closer. I made it to Labor and Delivery, they hooked me all up, asked my thousands of questions, but didn't need the epidural till about 4am. I was playing a game with myself, trying to see how high I can get the contraction number without an epidural. Again, sick, I know... but it was amusing.  I have high tolerance for pain... 

After I had the epidural and I reached 10 cm at 6:25am, I was ready to push. Three pushes later, we had a beautiful little girl at 6:42am, 7 lbs. 2 oz. I know, not that exciting of a story, but ask me sometime about Cambelle's birth and that'll show you I was due for an easy birth the second time around. The entire process was quick and a blur now.

Chloe is an exciting baby. Never a dull moment and keeps me on my toes. She's always on the go, exploring everything around her. She'll eat everything, try anything, and let's nothing stop her. She's determined, full of life, happy, easy going, and we love every minute with her. Just today, she fell and blood was EVERYWHERE. Her mouth is all messed up... Gotta love her!


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHLOE!!! i know we've never met, but i think you are just the cutest little thing! i enjoyed the recap of your life and your birth story. i hope you had a great b-day and a big piece of cake! Yum!:o)

  2. ~Emily, you're sweet. Thank you!
    Love, Chloe
