October 31, 2008

World Series Parade.

(Chris, Ben, Liz and Cambelle)

Today we went to the Phillies World Series Parade with The Reifs. We had a late start but made it over to their house with plenty of time. It took us an hour to drive into the city, where usually on a normal day it would take no longer then 12 minutes. We hit traffic going over the Walt Whitman Bridge but once we took all the back roads we were smooth sailing - we were going in the opposite direction as everyone else. Since, they were headed to the stadiums, we were headed over to Tasker which is perpendicular to Broad St. (Where the parade was). Chris watched the parade on TV and then let us all know when it was time to make our way down. We made it to Broad St. with no trouble and waited only about 15 minutes. 

On our walk to Broad St. Cambelle sat quietly on Liz's shoulders, and even stayed there half way through the parade. She didn't even want to get on Jeff's shoulders... 

The girls did great with the loud noises. Cambelle was excited to see the police cars and Chloe ate the graffiti that fell from the sky. 

Again, Cambelle preferred Liz rather then her own parents... 

We were up pretty close, I think there were 2-3 people in front of us. We were lucky to have made it that close. 

Cambelle and Chloe had no naps and this is the face of a tired little girl. 


Jimmy Rollins

Cole Hamels and his "Surviver" wife Heidi. 

Shane Victorino

Brad Lidge and some other random players. 

It was the most perfect weather for a parade and to celebrate Philly finally winning a major title. 

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