October 7, 2008

just like me.... obsessed.

If you really know me, you'd know how obsessed I get over certain things - some weird, silly, stupid things, but overall, I get obsessed. So, it's no surprise what so ever that Cambelle has inherited that trait...

Lately, I've heard from many of my parents friends that Cambelle looks and acts just like I did at her age. It's pretty interesting hearing them tell me how energetic, unstoppable I was. Boy, is that Cambelle. When I look her, I see me. I see her freckles, small dimples, her smile that doesn't show her teeth, her energy, her perfectionism, her overwhelming joy for life - they are all me (or were me).

So, just lately, I'm seeing Cambelle's OCD's come out - some of these can fall under the "hate change," category.
(I warn you - some are odd, but are normal for our household)

* Every night before bed, Cambelle says just in time before I completely exit her room, "Home Depot, morrow with Poppy?" I ALWAYS answer, "Yes, tomorrow." Maybe not true, but it makes her feel better.
* When we go to Target, she has to get a Blue Icee - she will say the word all the way to Target, in Target, and even when she's holding it.
* At the mall, she will say, "Mommy, rides?" a hundred times until we arrive at the rides.
*Doesn't like her place mat at the kitchen table to be changed. I have tons to swap with her original one, but she's not happy unless she has her Elmo one.
*Is now not liking any sippy cup unless it's orange.
*Hates when her blankie is clean or getting washed.
*Needs to have 3 pacifiers in her bed at all times.
*All doors need to be closed.
*Doesn't like when someone other then Chloe is in Chloe's highchair or stroller. (For example, if my nephew, came over to eat, he can not eat in Chloe's high chair, he needs to find his own seat.)
* In the double stroller, has a certain side to sit in - and so does Chloe. Gosh forbid if we change it.
* Has cheesy eggs for breakfast 5 out of 7 times a week.
* Her bed needs to be a certain way before bedtime and nap. Mr Bear needs to have her juice cup, two books and baby doll in corner.
* And, last but not least, she's OBSESSED over her pacifiers. We are working on a lot of things, different rules - when and where. One being, she knows she can't have her pacifier outside while playing. But, she beat me. I didn't notice it till I wanted to take a picture of her - another rule. No pacifiers, in pictures (well, I try.) Here's how this went down:

Me: Cambelle, please give me your pacifier, you know you can't have it while playing.
Cambelle: nothing...silence. (As you can tell, she won't even look at me)

I took it out, hoping to get a cute picture... but she wasn't having it.

Not happy with me.

Just plain said.

She got it back once we were inside... poor thing.

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