October 30, 2008

family update.

Here's a quick update with what's been going on today:

Jeff made it home safe and sound after hanging out on Broad Street last night with friends. We are psyched the Phillies won and are heading over to the city for the big parade. 

Cambelle will be Little Red Riding Hood and Chloe will be a flower for Halloween.

Chloe is in full effect walking around the house. I think today, I saw her crawling twice. She is a pro now and it's amazing how fast she is and can even turn corners. I think she's just trying to keep up with Cambelle's speed - which is FAST!

Cambelle's words/sentences have exploded. She is talking so much and her pronunciation has been getting better. We are almost there with the alphabet and many other songs. She misses a couple of letters/words but now she uses you, me, and I in the right context. 

(Video and pictures to come - I downloaded all the videos to my new computer, but for some reason Blogger doesn't like them). 


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