September 17, 2008


It's been a little tough here ever since we got back from our trip. The girls are not sleeping well. Cambelle's nap during the day was 45 minutes and I even laughed out loud when I heard her on the "you're kidding!" She's a crazy woman from the time she wakes up till I put her down at night, so her nap is much needed for everyone...

Then, there's Chloe who takes very frequent naps and is now giving us a very hard time at night when it's bedtime. Tonight, I tried everything to get her to sleep, rocking, singing, music, crying it out, everything. I'm so tired right now, I don't even know what I did to get her down...I did fall asleep on the bed after I put her down and I just woke up. The poor girl, I feel so bad for her... she's just so irritable. I'm hoping it gets better and I don't lose my mind.

On a positive note... since Chloe didn't take a morning nap, I took the girls to the mall and they were angels. Cambelle had fun eating in the food court, going on the rides and picking out new earrings. And, Chloe (even though she was so tired) sat in her stroller and took it all in. I think they were happy to get out of the house.

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