August 14, 2008

this is ridiculous.

Ok, so what mother out there ISN'T stressed or overworked? Let's be honest, if I'm out of commission, things may start to fall apart... this has nothing to do with Jeff. He does more then any of my expectations, but I prefer to do things my way and my way works better :)

So, after Jeff's softball game on Friday night I noticed that I had all these "bites" on my lower back. They itched for about a day and then they really started to hurt. My back was hurting and then it started to go down my leg and into my stomach.

After about a couple of days and then yesterday not able to get up from the floor, I convinced myself to call the doctors so they could look at my "bites." The entire time I'm thinking a crazy black spider bit me and I was now infected with this awful disease or worse, West Nile.

All of those thoughts went out the window when the doctor looked at my back and said, "Uh, I know what it is... it's Shingles!" I then very politely said, "Wait one minute, I'm not 82 years old and it's not 1920." He then proceeded to tell me it's a form of chicken pox, and since I had them when I was little this is how my body is reacting to the virus. He said it could keep coming back. I was lucky enough to get Shingles because it's from lack of sleep, stress, being overworked, etc.

I have to tell you.. I'm in extreme pain. My lower back feels like it's on fire and I'm having a hard time doing anything. My doctor did say that it could come back in a different area on my body (my uncle had it on his face.) Oh, I can't wait till that day!

So, I guess I'm like every mother out there, overworked, stressed, tired, and what do I get??? Shingles! I mean really, this is ridiculous.

PS. It's not contagious and I have medicine to take...I'll live!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness. I am so sorry! You need to get away for the weekend and sleep the whole time. You poor thing you will be in my prayers.
