July 6, 2008

our sunday.

This picture sums up our weekend! We thought Cambelle was feeling better, but we were wrong. Yesterday she woke up on the wrong side of her (toddler) bed and was cranky all day long. I don't think there was a minute where she wasn't crying or yelling. At first, I'm thinking, she's two... par for the course... I'll just have to deal with a cranky 2 year old! Then, I was counting the days till she's 3 and I have a long time to wish away. I'll just have to deal! I can't image how frustrating it must be to want/need something and can't explain what it is. She knows what she wants and says it, but her pronunciation is a little off and I don't understand... then, we're both frustrated!

Then, Chloe chimed in and at 6:58PM the girls were in bed.

But, today started out to be a great day! We went to church, there was no hitting reported and came home and did our usual till nap time. Once she woke up it was "Cranky Cambelle" in full effect. I think she was just having one of those days! I'm hoping they get better. Her language as improved immensely. She can sing the entire "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star," song, part of the theme song from "Blue's Clues," many other nursery rhymes, and children songs and repeats everything I say, even when I call for "Jeff!" I love listening to Cambelle talk, I love her voice, but I can already see her little attitude coming out. So, if her voice matches her non-verbal cues that she gives me... I better watch out.

Back to the picture - We've been telling Cambelle (since the pool opened) that she needs some kind of flotation device if she's going to be around the pool. I bought her this hideous yellow tube, thinking it would be better then floaties, but she's not that into it. But, the other day she had it on in the pool with my dad and she was swimming around, jumping off the side and enjoying life. So, today, when she wanted to get into the pool, I brought out the yellow-life-saver, and from then on, her day was ruined. What was I thinking? UGH! I'm such a party pooper.

1 comment:

  1. danielle, i'd cry too if i had to wear that!:o) try the floaties again!:o)
