July 4, 2008

Happy 4th! (Part 2)

The girls took a long nap this afternoon so the only thing left to do was go to the Washington Twp. parade. I'm definitely a fan of the later parade rather then a morning parade. We planned on going to one at 10am, but Chloe fell asleep and didn't wake up in time for us to go. Plus, it was much cooler and we weren't rushed!

We met up with our friends Matt and Michelle and their kids before hand... all the girls were in the same shirts! It was cute. Cambelle and Chloe did great. I thought with the loud music, sirens, and people, that it would be too much for the girls, but they didn't seemed to be bothered. Not even when the ambulances and cop cars came around... their loud sirens scare me.

Cambelle was so tired by the end of the parade she had to take a seat and re-energize. All the people in the parade were throwing candy at the kids and she would run as fast as she could and get as much candy that would fit into her little hand. Her face would light up and it just made my heart happy. These are the memories I want to make and I hope she'll remember all of them.

I think she ate every piece of candy she got. Which was mostly Tootsie Rolls.... I swapped a lot with the other kids, because I didn't want her to have hard candy.

Chloe stole Cambelle's flag, but she didn't notice... too much into eating her pretzel.

1 comment:

  1. i just got caught up on the past few days (thanks to the laptop chad brought home from work--our computer crashed!). i am glad that little cambelle is feeling better. it's so hard when they get the high fevers! ella is just getting over strep and an ear infection, so we've had some clingy days too. have a great week!
