June 3, 2008

doctor appointments.

This morning Jeff and I took the girls to their doctor appointments. Chloe had her 6 month check up and Cambelle needed to get another weight check and I wanted the doctor to look at her excema. Her skin is getting better since the weather is warmer. But, overall, her skin is very dry and red. It never seems to bother her, but I just wanted to make sure it wasn't an allergy... plus I ran out of the medicine I use. So, the doctor has no idea why Cambelle's skin is the way it is and she doesn't want her to see an allergist yet but wants her to see a dermatologist at CHOP - Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. (Appointment #1). Then, we discussed why Cambelle isn't gaining any weight. She only weighs 20 lbs. We went through everything she eats and the doctor doesn't see a problem with that, except the fact that she doesn't drink milk. She gave me some great ideas - the new cereal straws, carnation, strawberry syrup, etc. She doesn't know where her calories are going so, she wants me to see a Nutritionist at CHOP as well (appointment #2). Finally, she wants Cambelle to get blood work done to make sure she isn't anemic or has a thyroid problem (plus other testing - lead and another abnormalities) (appointment #3). The doctor reassured us that she sees no developmental delays and is a typical toddler that just loves to snack and run off everything she eats.

**The other day Cambelle asked Jeff, "Is it cold Daddy?" - referring to her juice. She's talking so much lately... I can't believe she's making sentences and counting - only to three though! When I'm reading a book to her that she knows by heart, I'll stop where I am and she'll fill in the blank with the right word. It's truly amazing!**

Chloe is 16 lbs 2 oz... Scary isn't it? Cambelle 20 lbs. - Chloe 16 lbs. She's doing well and nothing new to report there! Still hates food, but the doctor keeps telling me not to give up and keep trying, eventually she'll like it! Chloe received 3 shots, slept on the way home and many hours after. She's down for her second nap and I don't see her getting up anytime soon... she's pooped. OH wait I hear her now! Of course!!!!

1 comment:

  1. WD Peds loves to send their patients to CHOP! You may have to spend a whole day there but at least you know you're going to get great care. Eric is there right now for Brayden's Orthopedic appt. FUN!
