June 12, 2008

Day 2, 3, 4, & 5 of vacation.

Ah! I thought I'd be able to blog daily, but really who blogs everyday while on vacation? Plus, we've been too busy, catching rays, building sand castles, taking walks on the beach, eating ice cream, shopping, playing board games, bribing Cambelle to walk on the sand, convincing her that her new Roxy bathing suit is totally out of this world...

Our battle of the week has been getting Cambelle to get down to the beach, once there - standing on the sand, walking on the sand and staying down there for more then 2.9 seconds. BUT - today we made a break through. The girls woke up way too early, even for the roosters, so I loaded up the double stroller and took a nice long walk on the beach. I was smart and recruited my parents just in case Cambelle had a "hate-the-sand" moment. Once she hit the sand, she was all about it...playing in the water, collecting shells, and running after Poppy.

She didn't go at it alone. She dragged her favorite toy down - A big Bird dump truck that has the longest string to pull with. It's 22 years old (one of my brother's toys from when he was younger) and I think now-a-days, they are considered a choking hazard. (I forgot the camera so no pictures). She collected shells and put them in the truck. It's funny to see what makes her angry, sad, happy, excited and every emotion. She hates change and to have a new bathing suit on and be in a new house, is enough to set her off But, overall, she's done well! She anticipates her nap and lets us know when she's tired and ready for one. All she has to say is, "ready nap," and we're off to get her settled.

She's also very particular in everything she does. Things have to be exactly the way she wants them in order to feel good... sounds like me. This morning she dug through her snack bag that I packed for vacation and once she found her fruit snacks - at the bottom of the bag - she very carefully put everything back in... done, complete, satisfied, is what I'm thinking she's feeling.

Which leads me to this picture... she, like many children her age, convinced me with screams and holla-s that she wanted to be taken down the beach in her buggy. It's the new cool way to get around when you almost 2. Cousin Derek has a buggy too and the two of them sitting there like an old man and old lady looking upon all the craziness on the beach makes me laugh. When Cambelle wants something really bad not only does she scream really loud - she has introduced us to the "squatting move." She squats up and squats down when she's really mad. It's hysterical.

And Miss Chloe, who loved the beach, even took a nap in her stroller and enjoyed playing in the pool and sitting in the sand. She's conquered rocking on all fours, sitting up, grabbing for everything is sight, and laughing hysterical at any goofy face I make. I'm glad she thinks I'm hilarious because now-a-days Cambelle thinks I'm so lame.

Here are a few pics from this week so far:

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