May 20, 2008


I guess since it's been raining out all day and the girls were super tired - I've had a couple of minutes to ponder my many talents. I thought I better write them down just in case one day I forget what God gave me... Please don't be jealous! I'm sure you're just as talented...

*** I'm
excellent at:

picking boogers with my pinky nail
making two pony tails (in Cambelle's hair) while she's running away from me
juggling Cambelle on one hip, Chloe on the other, dirty laundry in mouth while going upstairs
changing explosive diapers and not getting poo poo on me
rocking Chloe to sleep and singing and dancing to Barney
getting in and out of the car with the kids in pouring rain under 30 seconds -
I mean come on - that's talent
nursing Chloe and playing with Cambelle at the same time
distracting Cambelle so going outside in the rain isn't an option
giving Chloe her pacifier while driving - dangerous - but good at it now
(her car seat it right behind the drivers so it's a little bit of a challenge... but once I get myself in a good position, it's all good)
handing Cambelle her food while driving
blowing bubbles
sprinting to Chloe's crib (before she wakes up completely) and reinsert pacifier
getting/keeping them on a schedule

I know there are many more... but I'll leave you with just those for now!

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