May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day!

Being a mom is the best job in the world. It's the toughest, but the most rewarding. I've won a National Soccer Championship, graduated from college, taught autistic children, gave birth to two beautiful little girls... but being a mom is the most amazing experience by far. I've always dreamed of being a mom and what kind of mom I would be. And, I'm glad God picked me to give life to Cambelle and Chloe. I adore my girls and I fall back in love with Jeff everyday.

I had a great Mother's Day. Church in the morning, shopping in the afternoon and a fabulous dinner my dad cooked on the grill. Cambelle and Chloe gave me a day at the salon and tickets to any show I'd like to see on Broadway in NYC. Our friend Chris got the same thing for his wife Liz, my dear friend... so we are really looking forward to that.

Above is the cake Jeff got us for Mother's Day. It was very yummy.

My cousin, Tina, came to dinner and brought along her little offspring - Connor (my Godson), Emily, and Baby #3. It was Chloe's bedtime and Cambelle ran around all day with just her diaper and t-shirt on... so the picture was really fun to take ;)

I know this is the same picture but Connor's face is priceless... and poor Chloe. I'm so glad Tina came over -her husband, Carl, works nights, so it was a treat for her to get out and eat some yummy food. Tina is one of the most patient, loving, and compassionate mom's I know. She is extremely knowledgeable - I guess you have to be when you're a school social worker. But, she is someone who I look up to as a mother and woman. Thanks Tina for being the best and for everything you've done for me.

1 comment:

  1. I got a "Holla" on the blog! Your words were so sweet and I SO enjoyed my time with you guys tonight. I can't imagine my life without you, Jeff and the girls. You are also a wonderful mom and woman! Love, T

    P.S. - I'm going to get on this blog thing as soon as work is done for me in June! I absolutely love yours.
