May 18, 2008

down the shore.

Yesterday we went to visit Nicole, Bill (Jeff's cousin), and Emma down at Ocean City. It was beautiful weather... windy, but beautiful.

We went to Wonderland Pier and took Cambelle on some rides. I was telling her all day we were going to go on rides down the shore. When she woke up from her nap, the first thing she said to me was, "rides?" The first ride was the carousel. Every time Jeff and Cambelle went around they waved at me. I got a little teary eyed watching Cambelle have so much fun. I'm glad, as a parent, I can bring so much enjoyment to her life. It doesn't take much to make her day, but I'm happy to know I can contribute.

After Jeff took Cambelle on a few rides, it was my turn... I chose the "Scary Bear Ride." I'm not good with rides that spin, but I must have been in a daze when I chose this one... We all went on (Emma, Nicole, Cambelle and I). Immediately I was sick. The first picture I was giving Cambelle a pep talk (don't be scared, we just spin, it'll be fine). The second picture I was telling MYSELF I wasn't sick... keep looking outside. As, you can see I'm ignoring my daughter and focusing on the outside. And, it's obvious, Nicole looks dizzy.

Even though I felt sick, it didn't stop me from enjoying the fun food on the boardwalk. We sampled some Boardwalk Fries, Monkey Bread, Kohr's Bro. ice cream, Mack and Manco's Pizza, and many more. I think I gained 10 pounds. Holla, bathing suit season!

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