May 8, 2008

Chloe's breakfast.

As you can see the chunk is in full effect. This morning I had to take off Chloe's PJ's because she spit up in the middle of the night and they really smelled and I was too lazy to get new clothes out before her breakfast - plus she makes a mess anyways. I'm determined to get her on cereal. She's still not fond of it. After 4 weeks ya think she'd come to like it...

Her usual face after eating cereal, I even mixed in some fruit and she doesn't like that either. She does do better at this at dinner time though...

But, she'd rather eat the lid instead.

PS. On a good note- she took a 2 hour nap this morning - YAY! CHLOE!


  1. I see she's eating the plastic Gerber lid. Just wanted you to know my little tip with those plastic containers. Clean them and save a bunch...they make GREAT single-serving Jello treats!
