April 17, 2008


I could start every blog posting with, "Today, we went to the park..." I think with the warmer weather coming, that could be an everyday saying, so I'm trying hard to be creative.

We obviously went to the park and Cambelle had a great time on the big kids play set. I was a little overwhelmed thinking I was going to lose her in the forest of children and parents. But, she did good staying where I could see her. Then, we went down to the lake. I think I had more fun feeding the ducks then she did. I realized half way through one piece of bread, that I never even shared with her.... How mean am I? But, she was more interested in the fish and duckies eating it rather then giving it to them. You can see in the background the huge fish that were in the lake.

I thought today was hot! I know and it's not even summer yet, but I think since I've been pregnant two summers in a row, my body just reacts differently to heat. I was itchy and I got a little pink. Cambelle did too on the tops of her shoulders. Did I even think to put sunscreen on? NOPE! I just ran out the door and didn't look back. Next time I will.

Jeff had a softball game tonight and we all went because it wasn't too hot. Cambelle met up with Ms. Bailey. They greeted each other with a big hug and kiss and off they went their separate ways. Bailey stayed with her mommy, Denise, on the bleachers and Cambelle went to make other friends.

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