March 17, 2008

read all about it.

I've been slack about posting this past week. My excuse... the camera's been in the car. So, I snapped these two pictures today. The top picture is of Cambelle screaming at me, because I wouldn't let her have a taffy (lollipop) before lunch. I'm so mean! But, here are some things that have been going on with us this last week:

*My Birthday was Thursday and we went out to eat at Red Lobster. My all time favorite restaurant. I don't have a lot of "favs," but RL tops the list.

*Saturday Jeff had the girls and I went shopping with my mom (my bday present from Jeff). I think he knows me too well. We had such a FUN time. It was nice to have a day to pamper myself. Then, we went to the Cheesecake Factory with friends (Michelle and Matt). What a great day!

*Cambelle's been talking a lot. If I say, "We are going to see Poppy tomorrow." She'll follow with, "Poppy morrow." I'm amazed at how much she talks and how much she can do. If I give her simple tasks like taking her shoes upstairs or turning off her train set, she'll do it immediately and always seems pleased with herself.

*Chloe is almost rolling over. I looked back in Cambelle's baby book and Cambelle rolled over at 4 months, so I know the time is coming.

*Chloe is also talking (cooing) up a storm. She screeches so loud, but then turns into a cry after a couple of minutes. But, it's funny to listen to. Cambelle never screeched like that.

Today we had a couple come through the house. They are very interested and hope we'll hear from our Realtor tomorrow. Also, there's a couple interested from a previous open house! So, maybe we'll get offers soon. But, we are still closing on the 28th.

That's all the news with us for now! Have a great day!

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