March 26, 2008


We had a great day today. I've been feeling guilty lately about not spending enough time with the girls that I made sure we got out of the house and enjoyed the nice weather. Usually when I rush to get out of the house, I get out around 11am but today I beat my record and was in the car by 10:30am. Don't ask me why it takes us so long to get ready, where a bunch of girls...

Because Jeff and I are trying to sell our house, I feel like the house needs to be clean every minute of the day just in case someone calls last minute for a tour. Which has happened, and I've frantically ran around the house cleaning everything in site. And, since I didn't want that to happen again, I try my hardest to clean or at least tidy up every morning... that's where the guilt comes in. Cambelle's been so patient with me and dealing with my "pschoness" (if that's even a word), that I wanted to reward her and go see some animals that I used to see when I was a little girl. I know she doesn't understand the "reward system" yet, but it makes me feel good...

So, I took the girls to Duffield's Farm to feed the animals and for Cambelle to run around. She loved feeding the goats. They were just as excited to see her and she was them.

After the farm, we met Aunt Nicole and Emma at McDonald's for lunch and then went to a local park. Yes, it was nice out today especially around 12:30ish... but it was extremely windy. I find myself getting really upset at the meteorologists. They say it's going to feel like spring, but I think they forget to mention the wind factor. It was so windy it made it feel like 40 degrees out. We didn't stay long, and I was surprised at how well Cambelle took it.

Chloe enjoyed the wind. Here she is giving Aunt Nicole a

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