March 20, 2008

busy bees.

It's the end of the week and I was slacking on house work, well, I wasn't really slacking on purpose, I was "putting it on hold." But, we got a call today saying an agent and her clients want to come to the house on Monday so, I lit a flame under my tushy and did some vacuuming and some other useless things. I find that no matter how messy a room is, if you just vacuum it's like you've cleaned the whole house. So, that's what I did... I find that when things HAVE to be done, I aimlessly walk around the house (ie: packing).

Chloe insists on many things, and sitting up playing is now one. I sometimes think she thinks she's older then she really is. So, I gave her a couple of toys, mirror, and her boppy - what else could a girl want? She was an angel sitting there watching me clean. Cambelle helped a little and then back to her playroom she went.

We also went Easter shopping. We picked up a couple of things for daddy and I secretly picked up some things for the girls. But, I couldn't resist giving Cambelle the window stickers. That kept her occupied for about 10 minutes then she was off to new adventurous things.

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