February 10, 2008


Cambelle is officially a Superstar. I remembered this morning that I bought these sunglasses for her. I gave them to her, and she didn't take them off all morning, even when I was chasing her up the stairs to get her dressed (that's why she's shirtless).

It was a hectic weekend. Yesterday Jeff and I went out by ourselves to get some things done and celebrate Valentine's Day. Today, we had an Open House and we cleaned all morning. I hope it was worth it, we haven't heard anything yet. But, the best part is coming home to a very clean house!

We're having some issues with Chloe taking a bottle of formula. With Cambelle, we waited too long, and it was a tough transition. Chloe took many bottles before, but when my mom tried to feed her yesterday, we had to detour back to their house and I had to nurse her. Jeff's giving her a bottle now, and she seems frustrated with it... but taking it. I guess being persistent pays off. I know we've learned our lesson, and now every night we'll be feeding her a bottle. It gives me a some freedom and I won't feel guilty leaving her. She's very different from Cambelle and it amazes me how I can have two little girls who are night and day!!

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