January 5, 2008


We pretty much laid low today, ran to the Acme and did some cleaning. Fun huh? After Cambelle's 3 hour nap, we went to Applebees with Carl, Tina (my cousin), Connor and Emily. They shared the good news that they are expecting again! Which, of course, I'm so excited for them! I can't wait! After we put Cambelle down for bed we gave Chloe her bath. She screams a lot but she ends up settling down after a while. I don't think she likes being wet, plus it makes her cold. I was in the "photo shoot" mood, so I took a couple of pictures of Jeff, Chloe, and Cambelle. Chloe smiled for the camera, but Cambelle was more interested in what was on TV. I've been noticing how much Cambelle loves TV, which I don't think it's a good thing. Because on occasion, she'll stop what she's doing in the play room and run in and see what's on. I have it on for comfort for me, but hopefully I'll get in the habit of turning it off when it's play time. She's addicted to Blue's Clues. And, doesn't like it when I put on Joe rather then Steve, she totally knows the difference, so I've been trying to TiVo all the old ones with Steve. Plus, we have multiple DVD's. Tonight, though... she wanted Barney. So, I'm seeing a decrease of interest in Blue's Clues. Honestly, I prefer Blue's Clues. I adore Blue, she's stinkin' cute!
We found out today, that the couple who came to look at our house, are not interested. They want something bigger! So, we're back to square one. Hopefully, someone will want our house ASAP. We drove by our new house and it's coming along. The frame is up and the roof and windows are on. We're just praying about it and know God's in control.

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