December 17, 2007


Friday night Jeff and I went out to dinner with 3 other couples to Maggiano's. Right now, this is my favorite restaurant. I love going out to dinner there! The atmosphere, the service and especially the food are all outstanding. And for those of you thinking, "She left a 3 week old at home!" Yes, I did. My parents came over and watched the girls. And surprisingly I didn't feel that overwhelmed about it, like I used to when I left Cambelle. I still was anxious and nervous about it. But, I had a rough week and I needed some adult bonding plus, Chloe slept the entire time and only needed to be fed once. So, that made me feel better. And, Cambelle's a piece of cake. Once 6:45 hits, she's ready for bed and can't wait to get into her crib. She sleeps the entire night till 7:30ish the next morning... She's a great sleeper. Didn't start out that way, but now, we don't hear a peep from her at all! So, overall it was a great night... don't know when we'll do it again, but it was nice to take a shower, get dressed up a little, put makeup on and go out to a nice restaurant with Jeff and friends. ***
Then on Sunday, the four of us, Derek, Diana, Baby Derek and Darryl went to Picture People to get a family picture that my mom has always wanted. Cambelle wasn't very happy for the first 15 minutes, but then she warmed up... I think she thought we were going to the doctors. Anybody who has to call our name and point us to a room, she freaks out!!! But, she came around. Here are a couple pictures from that! And a picture of Ms. Chloe that I took this morning. ***


  1. I love the pictures! And I'm so glad you got to go out and enjoy yourself at Maggiano's, yum!

  2. those pictures are adorable! you guys look great. nice work, dbot!
