December 12, 2007


**Awww hugs!**

**Chloe and the decorations**

Cambelle, Chloe, and I helped Grams decorate their Christmas tree. Cambelle wanted Chloe to help so bad, that she started getting the ornaments out of their boxes and giving them to Chloe. Chloe wasn't interested. To be honest, Cambelle wasn't either. So, I pitched in and helped the team out! Great Grandma joined in on the festivities and cheered us on. Uncle Darryl helped us too! Decorating the tree definitely got me into the Christmas spirit. We haven't decorated our tree yet, because we've been so busy, but I'm hoping this weekend to get it done.**
Chloe had another weight check appointment today and she gained 13 oz. in 9 days. So, we don't have to go back till her 6-8 week check up - YAY!

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