November 27, 2007

chloe mae has arrived.

Chloe Mae was born on Sunday, November 25th at 6:40am. Here's the brief story:
After the wedding we came home, put Cambelle down and started watching the USC vs. Clemson football game. After about two hours I went upstairs because I wasn't feeling too hot. I kinda felt sick to my stomach and I was having some pain, which of course, ended up being contractions. After feeling this way for about an hour we called the doctor, but while we were waiting to hear back from them, I called my cousin, Tina, who came over and stayed with Cambelle, and since we haven't hear back yet from the doctor and my contractions were getting close we just headed over to the hospital. My mom ended up relieving Tina from her duties and stayed over with Cambelle. We got to the hospital around 12:30am and they checked me and did all the things they needed to do. At this point my contractions were about a minute apart and lasting long. Thank goodness my doctor decided to admit me and around 4am I got the epidural, 6:30 needed to push, and at 6:40am Chloe was born. My stay at the hospital was great but I'm glad to be home...resting!
**Under "my sites" there are more Chloe pictures**


  1. what a beautiful baby girl! Mister Ben is really excited to see her again and become friends. We are looking forward to visiting soon!
